Hey Player!
Well... It's finally time we talk about nil as a character, and what all of this was, from my perspective.
Happy Home in Robloxia came originally from a mixture of ideas, mainly the idea of a digital horror story where
nothing wrong would happen, something that would keep the player or viewer on their toes expecting for something
to go badly. This idea later mixed on with a red herring idea where I would troll the hunters in the ARG of An
Underground Hangout. OneWhofinds wasn't really fond of that idea so I made sure to separate it as far as possible
from it. From there on, Happy Home in Robloxia evolved into it's own little hangout game. Within that game I've
experienced a few bugs, with the most prominent being "Attempt to index nil with ___". Interestingly, many players
have reported seeing an unknown entity that named itself "nil" after I implemented my anti-cheat known as Terminal Normalis.
Despite this, many attribute this bug to me, so I'll decide to finish this "character"'s story the same way Mr.
McGonigal did with their mysterious character, NULL: by letting anyone do whatever they wish with it! Well, not everything...
The art itself was made by Kidstubz887 and they keep the rights to the artwork, you should also keep in mind,
I'll keep most rights, but don't let that discourage you to use nil however you like. My only few requirements is
that if you're monetizing your product in any way, please send me an e-mail before doing anything. Credits are
not necessary, considering this thing isn't really my creation, but I'd appreciate a shout-out or mention a ton!
Either way, nil is yours, do whatever your heart wishes to do with it, and since you're here, I can tell
you have finished that dumb boss battle I made, so let me say thank you for playing Happy Home in Robloxia,
I hope you've enjoyed it!